Minggu, 18 September 2011

Sunshine - Health Facts About Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure

Did you know that by getting adequate exposure to sunshine health levels actually increase? It's true. Of course, you wouldn't learn this truth by reading most news reports. Media reports have practically vilified sunlight exposure. It is true that excessive exposure to sunlight, just like excessive levels of just about anything, is bad for your health.
We cannot afford to throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to gleaning the health benefits of proper exposure to sunlight. Our bodies need to soak up sunshine to be truly healthy. In fact, there are vital processes that are slowed or stopped altogether when people avoid going out into the sunshine.
How Does Sunshine Improve Health?
The human body needs to interact with sunshine in order to process and properly utilize Vitamin D. Vitamin D has many benefits, but one of the most important is its role in the mineralization and strengthening of bones. Without regular exposure to sunlight this essential vitamin will be unavailable to your body. Brittle bone diseases and serious bone injuries happen when bones lack strength.
It's not just bones that benefit from a regular regiment of sunshine exposure. Routine exposure to sunshine also helps your body to maintain healthy nerves, blood rich in iron and more powerful muscles.
In cultures where the people are not afraid of regular exposures to sunshine, health levels seem to increase. People who live in North America and Europe suffer the most from lack of exposure to the sun. Millions of people in these countries suffer from a variety of health issues that could be averted altogether by taking time for regular sun exposure to the skin.
Experts estimate that as little as 10 to 15 minutes in the sun each day can dramatically reduce many serious health issues. There simply aren't many things that can have such a dramatic impact on your health that are so simple to do. Not only is it easy to get regular sunlight exposure, it's also free. Imagine that; something you can do every day to live a healthier life, that won't cost you a penny.
What's the Fuss about Skin Cancer?
In order for more people to take advantage of the power of sunshine health benefits, reeducation about sunlight exposure seems to be necessary. As was previously mentioned, the epidemic of skin cancer has caused a backlash against spending any time at all in the sun. Of course, skin cancer is a very serious condition, but it is usually caused by failing to protect the skin and inordinate amounts of time spent on tanning and other outdoor activities. True health is all about balance. If you eat too much health problems will occur. In a similar manner, spending huge chunks of your time tanning in the sunlight will also cause significant health problems, like skin cancer.
Simply put, your body will never be in a state of true health without regular time spent in the sunlight. Sunshine health benefits are available to everyone under the sun. This huge asset is free and people need to know just how important it is for living a healthier life.

Article from: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Boro_Petric

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Importance of a Healthy, Balanced Diet

A healthy individual is strong physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being fit and energetic depends on being physically active and maintaining a healthy diet based on provisions from all the major food groups consisting of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat or meat alternatives. The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated.

  1. Natural Foods

    • At one time, the food an individual consumed was grown on a family or neighboring farm. The home-grown provisions were rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats and natural sugars. Today's diets usually consist of pre-packaged foods, soda, fast-foods, sugar, caffeine, chips, fried foods, frozen pizzas and other frozen entrees. Most processed foods contain little, if any, nutrients, but include artificial ingredients such as preservatives and flavorings. Natural food is minimally processed and includes fruits; vegetables; ocean-raised fish; lean, organic range-fed poultry, beef and other meats; whole grains; and raw nuts and seeds.

    Balanced Diet

    • A balanced diet is about creating healthy eating habits and maintaining that lifestyle over a period of time. It brings about an equilibrium between the five food groups and gives the body the right amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and mineral nutrients it needs for overall good health. An individual will not be able to lead a long healthy life while eating whatever foods may be desired rather than what is healthy and wholesome.

    Health Risks

    • Maintaining a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease or cancer. An individual who is overweight due to poor eating habits also may develop diabetes, joint problems, high cholesterol, heart disease or a stroke.

    Healthy Diet/Exercise

    • Good health heavily depends on what an individual eats and how active his or her lifestyle may be. Exercise and a healthy diet are the foundations to a healthy way of life. Fitness and health have no quick fix. One needs to stay on and commit to a diet plan for the long term. A healthy diet is an essential part of healthy weight.


    • Watch food portions and serving sizes. Eat whole grains, pastas, fish, lean meats and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also, drink lots of water. As a rule, people generally eat three large meals during the day and snack in between meals. This dietary habit usually contains high amounts of fats and chemical preservatives. To have a balanced, healthy diet, an individual should eat five to six moderate meals every day. A wide variety of foods need to be consumed to provide adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which are important for overall health and well-being.
      To help stay on a healthy diet plan, one should choose foods that he or she already likes and readily enjoys. One should never feel guilty overindulging in an occasional treat. Completely staying away from a cookie, candy or some other indulgent food can bring out insatiable cravings that can tear down personal resolve to eating healthy.
you can visid :http://www.ehow.com/importance-healthy-balanced-diet.htm .

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Importance of a Healthy Diet

Learning how to eat healthier and what it really means to do so will help you lose weight and feel great. It also helps you realize that no matter how busy and chaotic your life is, you can take the time to have good meals and snacks throughout the day. After knowing a little bit about what you should and should not do, it'll help put all other dieting tips and tricks into perspective.


  • The importance of a healthy diet used to be just about having enough food to eat way back when. In earlier times, this usually meant growing your own food and raising livestock to feed your family. There were no such things as artificial colorings or flavorings or even that much worry about the different types of fats and what sugar calories can do to your waistline. Good filling meals of decent food was considered necessary for good health.


  • The main problem with many diets today is that they are based on cutting out whole food groups to lose weight. It is true, for example, that if you cut your body off from carbs, you may lose pounds quicker but you are not really eating healthfully. By cutting out certain aspects of the old food pyramid you learned about in school, you are not giving your body what it needs to stay well. Eating right, balancing all the food groups, is still the best way to lose weight safely without any ill effects to your body. Dieting is merely eating less and sometimes not getting the nutrients you need to stay in good health.


  • When trying to learn about the importance of a healthy diet, it is important not to jump on any of the dieting fad bandwagons. Eating right is what not only keeps your body in shape but also in good working order as well. If you are a parent, your mealtime and snacking behavior also effects how your kids view food and what is good or bad. Your choosing the healthiest route of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains and even a treat for yourself once in a while will give them good eating habits to mimic. Food is fuel and although it can be an enjoyable experience to eat something you love, food should never become a hero or an enemy to your children. Moderation is the key in this as in all other parent teaching lessons.


  • Reading labels is the key to still learning about the importance of a healthy diet without its having to take over your life. Opting for fresh products that you prepare and cook is better than anything you can buy in a box or can. This goes for healthwise and most of the time tastewise as well. If you do not have the time to cook every day, even spending an evening cooking and freezing your own convenient microwave meals is worth it. Simply cook up and portion out your food, and throw it in freezer-safe containers that can be brought out and reheated at a moment's notice. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a store-bought premade convenience food every once in a while, especially if you found a brand you love, but at least try to find products that are natural or organic and don't contain anything that is not natural. The rule of thumb is: If you can't pronounce one of the ingredients, you usually do not want to ingest it either.


  • Learning about the importance of a healthy diet will translate into you feeling better about yourself and your health. If you are doing this for your family as well, it will also give you a good feeling of taking the time to do what is best for them.
you can visid  : http://www.ehow.com/importance-healthy-diet.html .

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Live a Healthier Life Style

Living a healthier life style has not been easy for many people. This is because so many people are solely focused on the results. When starting their exercise routines, they are focused on losing weight, working off calories or achieving a certain amount of time in the gym. While all of these things are very important, they are rarely the things that will keep a person motivated for the rest of their life to stick with these changes.

 There are several steps to live a healthy lifestyle such as:

 The Key Ingredient to Lasting Changes

The single most important ingredient to making lasting changes in your health and life style is pleasure. Think about this, the very reason that a person gets out of shape, gains weight, and doesn't exercise much is because they view inactivity and overeating as more pleasurable than exercise and healthy nutrition. The pleasure factor is your most important key to making a lasting change.

Instead of simply focusing on the result of a certain work out program or nutritional diet, focus on the process or the journey. If you're sixty pounds overweight, it may take you a year to really get in shape. (Remember, you can naturally only lose about one to two pounds of fat a week. Any more is not fat and may be water and even muscle tissue.) A year can seem like an eternity if you're constantly focused on how much you weigh and constantly weighing yourself on the scale. Instead, focus on enjoying the actual process and experience the journey to a healthier body and mind.

 Ways to Enjoy the Process

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" explains that happiness is the result of being in the "flow" or in the "zone". This is a highly relaxed, but focused state. Athletes, musicians, and artists are prime examples of people who get into this state on a regular basis. He details the formula for getting into the "flow", which is a combination of doing a moderately challenging activity that enables you to experience joy and pleasure on some level, on a regular basis. For example, if you're a music lover, you could begin to learn to play the bass guitar. By actually enjoying the very act of practicing and learning, you begin to lose track of time and begin to naturally have the urge to practice, because it is your time for fun and experiencing the "flow".

By being in the "flow", you enjoy the actual process of making permanent life style changes in your health. There are keys to applying the "flow" formula.

1. Flow with exercise - if treadmills and stationary bikes bore you, then try walking or running in your local area. By jogging and running in your community you get to see all kinds of interesting people and this stimulation can be very pleasurable. If you do not like jogging or running, you can put on your favorite tunes and just dance in the privacy of your own home. You don't know how to be a dancer, just move your body in your own way to your favorite songs. If you like gardening and landscaping, you could work in the yard, cutting grass, raking leaves, trimming bushes, sweeping the sidewalk. Use these activities as a time of joy and fun. Never pressure yourself and always stop if you feel uncomfortable.

2. Flow with your food - if you've developed a taste for sweets, cakes, fast food, processed foods then there is a way to change that. It requires letting you get a little hungrier than usual. Remember, you won't be doing this permanently, but skipping a meal or two for a couple of days during the week, in order to change your taste buds can be a very powerful way to begin to experience pleasure in eating healthy foods. If a person is hungry enough, any food will begin to taste good to them. This is a physiological phenomenon.

In conclusion, living a healthier life style doesn't have to be super difficult. The key is to gradually acclimate yourself for healthier habits, healthier choices and healthier changes. Avoid rushing and trying to hurry results. Instead, enjoy the process of making permanent changes in a gentle and gradual way.
For more information please visit our:http://www.hipaaexams.com

Jumat, 02 September 2011

do you know there are 10 Healthy Habits To Live Longer

Here we will share with the ways of healthy living is good and can be beneficial to us all, and can increase the quality of life we grow older
Introducing healthy habits for a longer life don't have to be monumental steps. Each small step can eventually lead to lasting and significant results and a longer and stronger lifespan. Here are 10 ways that you can make small changes that lead you to a fitter and healthier lifestyle.
You don't have to join a gym to get physical activity a part of your daily routine. Start by adding just 20 minutes of walking twice a week to boost your mood and your fitness level. If you don't want to go outside in the cold, or prefer to exercise in private, try a yoga or Pilates DVD. By getting up half an hour earlier than usual you can start you day with a peaceful mind and flexible body.
Commit to including more cardio-friendly oils in your diet. These include mono- and poly- unsaturated fats. For example flaxseed oil, olive oi, sesame and organic coconut oils all contain heart-healthy and protective elements to prevent ageing and reduce inflammation. Alternatively you can swap the butter on your breakfast toast for hummus and you can snack on seeds and nuts.
Empty your kitchen cupboards of unhealthy snacks and replace with unsulphured dried fruit and fresh fruit. Keep unsalted seeds and nuts at hand to save you reaching for something that is processed or manufactured with trans-fats.
Learn portion control. Small meals improve your digestion and metabolism. Try eating until your stomach is 75% full instead. Include lean protein, vegetables, fruit and carbohydrate in your daily intake.
Future proof your bones by adding at least one calcium rich food to your diet each day. Low fat yoghurts, leafy greens or salmon are all excellent sources of calcium and can prevent the onset of osteoporosis, as can gentle exercise such as Pilates or yoga.
Green vegetables have anti-oxidant power. Include at least one serving of greens each day. This might be one cup of green beans or broccoli. Try a watercress sandwich or even steaming broccoli and adding olive oil with a sprinkle of sesame seeds. Early summer brings a wider variety of green produce to the market.
Drink at least six to eight glasses of filtered water each day. This is just as important in the winter as the summer as the body can become dehydrated by heating systems. Our body is almost 70% of water and needs to stay hydrated to run optimally and to disperse toxins to prevent ageing.
Eat more fiber to stay regular, to slow down digestion and for a healthy blood sugar. The digestion of beans, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables will slowly deliver energy throughout the day.
Give your brain a boost by doing logic puzzles, online memory games or the crossword. Giving your brain a daily work out will not only boost your cognitive performance, it can also protect your memory from the ravages of time.
Improve your sleep by cutting out the caffeine and opting for herbal teas instead. Engage in some light stretching before bed and relax your muscles one by one once you climb into bed.